
CADP Quality Assurance Consultant Certification Courses

Course Requirements

Requirements in place for the CADP Quality Assurance Consultant Certification Course and the certificates issued. 

There are two (2) categories of consultants certified by CADP 

The Procedural Quality Assurance Consultant is a non-dentist. This classification requires a minimum of three (3) years in the dental field, i.e. auxiliary, dental assistant, registered dental assistant, registered dental hygienist, dental office staff, or insurance industry experience.

The Certified Quality Assurance Consultant is a dentist. This classification requires: 

  • Current valid license to practice dentistry in the United States without encumbrances. 
  • Minimum three (3) years’ experience in the dental field after graduation from dental school with a statement of clinical practice experience. 
  • Minimum of one (1) year in the insurance industry; i.e. auditor, consultant or plan staff. 

A certificate of course completion only is awarded to those attendees who attend and successfully complete the course but do not meet the requirements for certification outlined above. The course completion certificate acknowledges the ability to perform a quality assurance review. However, the licensure, clinical or insurance requirements for certification has not been satisfied. Person holding a course completion certificate are encouraged to pursue positions which allow these deficiencies to be corrected. 

CADP requires all reviews intended for use in the shared warehouse be performed by CADP Certified Consultants. This requirement validates the principle of the shared review by assuring that all consultants have met minimum requirements.


In 2017 CADP established the following procedure regarding member pricing for consultants attending the Quality Assurance course.

To register at the member rate, consultants must become a Qualified Registrant.

Qualified registrants are defined as individuals who are not employees of a CADP member company, but have received confirmation from a CADP member company to register at the member rate.

Note: To be recognized as a member employee by the CADP registration system, your email address must have the member company domain (Gmail, Yahoo, AOL domains, etc., are not recognized as employee emails). If you have a non-company email, you must follow these steps to become a qualified registrant and receive at the member rate:

  1. Email the company that has qualified you in the past to receive confirmation of the member rate for the course.
  2. Forward the email confirmation to before registering online.
  3. Receive a CADP email with a discount code confirming your qualified registration status from before registering online.
  4. Login and register for the course. Enter the discount code emailed to you during the checkout portion of online registration and select “Apply Discount.” Complete your registration.
  5. If you need help with your login and password, contact Lauren Oakley.

Registrants who pay the non-member rate will be contacted by CADP about the option of applying the $215 difference towards CADP membership.