About CADP

The California Association of Dental Plans (CADP) is California’s only organization for Knox-Keene and Department of Insurance licensed dental plans.  The Association was organized in 1985 to promote, through education and collective action, the mutual interests of the managed dental benefits industry.

Why Is It Needed?

CADP fosters awareness of quality of care standards and works to establish guidelines to meet those standards, influences the legislative and regulatory environment, promotes improved operational efficiencies through cooperative systems development, and promotes the managed dental benefits industry.

Who is Involved?

Membership is comprised those dental benefit companies in licensed by the Department of Managed Health Care and Department of Insurance.  Each company, as represented by the CEO or key management personnel, has made a commitment to further the goals of the Association through cooperation and mutual awareness of issues that affect the activities of all dental benefits companies.

Objectives And Purposes

  • To represent and advocate for the regulatory and legislative interests of the dental benefits industry
  • Serve as a dental benefits authority that provides guidance and educational resources of value to member plans
  • Develop guidelines, support activities, and provide resources that improve oral health through access to affordable, quality dental benefits

Mission Statement

CADP’s mission is to represent the dental benefits industry and to promote access to affordable, quality dental benefits and improved oral health through legislative, regulatory and educational advocacy.

Functions of the Association

Legislative and Regulatory Influence:   The Association’s lobbying function is an integral part of the legislative and regulatory process.  The Association’s is influential in shaping issues which have an impact on the managed dental benefits industry.

Education:  The Association sponsors multiple programs each year:  the Annual Conference, Quality Assurance Courses, and Legislative and Regulatory Conference.  These meetings provide an opportunity for member companies and others in the managed dental benefits industry.  The Association also sponsors an educational program to certify dental auditors.

Uniform Standards:  The Association works to develop industry wide standards for dental care delivery, based upon guidance provided by the dental and specialty professions and regulatory entities on both state and national levels.  These standards are established to encourage uniform applications in the performance of audits and reviews.

Communication:  CADP member organizations benefit from an ongoing exchange of ideas between corresponding management levels.  Opportunities for discussion are provided in both structured and informal settings through Association-sponsored events.

The Association also serves as an effective conduit for communicating issues of concern to the media and general public.